Holiday Entitlement

image of large calendar showing dates

Holiday Entitlement

The amount of holiday entitlement for your employees is a matter for your contract of employment and is not directly a payroll matter.

All employees are legally entitled to a minimum of 5.6 weeks’ paid holiday a year at their normal rate of pay.  For someone working 5 days per week, this equates to 28 days .   The employer can, however, opt to pay more than this.  Further information is available at:

Bank or public holidays do not have to be given as paid leave. An employer, however, can choose to include bank holidays as part of a worker’s statutory annual leave.  For a list of UK public holidays, visit

There is a useful 'calculator' for statutory holiday entitlement at:

Clients are responsible for maintaining their own records of holiday entitlement, and holidays taken. When an employee leaves their employment, however, we will need to be advised of the monetary value that is to be paid to them for holiday pay (i.e. for holiday entitlement not taken ), or the monetary value of holiday pay to be deducted (i.e. for holidays taken in excess of entitlement, and where the contract allows for the deduction of overpayment).

For the statutory minimum of holidays, the entitlement is to ‘normal’ pay during the paid holidays. This can include, for example, a proportion of bonus, sales commission, overtime etc,